Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Miss you

The pages of time could not turn back,
As both of us left on different tracks,
Time never waited for anyone,
For us too it had come and gone,
I think was it I who wanted more than you gave,
And somewhere did I dig the friendship’s grave,
Or was it you who was never willing to provide,
Which hit our relation like a high tide?

The memories go in a chaotic haze,
As I look back the life’s pace
Its not that you’re ignoring me gave me painless scars,
I also gave you some agonizing wounds to your heart,

We may be busy again tomorrow,
Lost on our own laughs or sorrow
May not have time to think about each other,
As if we were never together,

I don’t know how we drifted apart,
But your thoughts always linger in my heart,
I don’t know whether you missed me any day,
But I wish that my thoughts glide in your mind someday,

And you’ll realize that it doesn’t matter how our friendship fares,
But I still have the same heart which cares………………..


Divya said...

the past is long gone & forgotten...future too uncertain to bother is all that we have...its the present just cherish..cos this too will be gone.

Anonymous said...

the past may have gone but not forgotten, and neither do memories..future uncertain!! is no reason to move on in life..
I consider ourselves lucky to have a future..which many are deprived of..
Can we ever ask for less??