Saturday, March 25, 2006

The Bitter Medicine

It is difficult to understand what is bitter?Is it the unreciprocated love? Is it the unresponsive friendship? Is it someones ignorance ? the list could be endless.........................
As a kid i thought the most bitter thing in this world was the medicine i used to have , i would cry and run away but my brother would catch me and force me to have it, and the he would give me a tofffee so that my taste buds would feel better.It was such a magical cure ,but today I am grown up,bitterness has changed in its form and also its effects.

It refuses to go away.How much amount of sweets i may take, it refuses to go.I wondered why was it so ,i tried to reason but struggled, why was this bitterness of a friend, a lover leaves such bad and long lasting taste? why is so difficult to get over ................................whenever our feelings are hurt , whenever our friendship is questioned ? when someones doesnt want us in their life ?
and so on ......................but all these have a common factor
" All humiliate us and our dignity"
there is no harm in being humililated.

Humiliation is a bitter medicine and an honest man should drink with pride


SATAN said...

what can one say when he faces the facts of life. when we are kids our world is too small and protected from the evils of the life by our loved ones.But as we grow up we are left to face the very same evils that we were protected from.

bitterness is one necessity so as to know the importance of sweetness. how will you know what sweet is if you have never tasted bitter.

SATAN said...

at first i started in a very philosophical mode while commenting on your blog, but i thought all those phil. will only be good in escaping from facts. Bitterness like any other emotion is not only difficult to understand but also equally difficult to control.

One cannot control the emotions only thing you can do is lie to yourself. lie by saying that i am happy. lie by saying that i have moved on and such stuff. but the fact remains you never forget.never forget the feelings you have been through and felt. good as well as lives with that feeling.

After some time life will takeover and this bitterness will go only to comeback in some other form.

furthur discussion when we meet.

coolsail said...

Every bitterness has a cure and its simple..take a mouthful of sugar and the taste is gone..its highly relative to keep the bitterness in the mind and the cure to be applied for it..
For me bitterness comes as an experience worth exploring and facing..Its important for us to judge bitterness from its present taste rather than the source.. coz afterall the source wud have never been worth exploring if u knew it was to taste that way..
For all we know, sometimes sweet things too give us a toothache..